More and more people are turning to CBD for its reputation for making users feel calm, relaxed, and pain-free. But, one of the main questions new users have is whether they can get addicted to CBD.

I’ve tried several CBD products, checked the available research, and talked with a doctor to find out everything about cannabis withdrawal symptoms. Here’s how CBD interacts with your body and what happens when you stop using it.


Quick Summary


What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is the second most active ingredient in cannabis plants. When extracted from hemp plants, CBD is non-intoxicating, which means it won’t make you feel high.

CBD products can contain three kinds of CBD:

Nowadays, there’s a huge range of CBD products, such as CBD oil, lotion, creme, edibles, pills, vapes, and more.

CBD is proven to help with chronic pain, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, and other health issues.


How Does CBD Work?

CBD works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system. This system controls a wide variety of bodily functions, such as pain, mood, memories, sleep, appetite, inflammation, and more.

The endocannabinoid system has two kinds of receptors: CB1 and CB2, which are present in the central nervous and the immune system. 

Our bodies produce endocannabinoids naturally, but sometimes these aren’t enough, which leads to disrupted body functions. CBD interacts with these receptors and influences the endocannabinoid system. In this way, it provides health benefits, such as pain relief and lowered inflammation.

Can You Get Addicted to CBD?

Can You Get Addicted to CBD?

No, you can’t get addicted to CBD. There’s currently no evidence that says CBD is addictive. Unlike THC, CBD doesn’t have an intoxicating effect.

Drug addiction is a compulsive need to use a prohibited substance and an inability to stop using it despite knowing its negative consequences. These substances affect the pleasure centers in the brain, so people feel a consuming need to use them to avoid common withdrawal symptoms. One such substance is THC. THC goes to the brain via the bloodstream and connects to the endocannabinoid receptors that are in charge of pleasure.

CBD also interacts with our endocannabinoid system, but according to the World Health Organization (WHO), CBD doesn’t show any signs of abuse or dependence. Studies show CBD has a good safety profile, and doses up to 600mg to 1,500mg are well tolerated. 

However, keep in mind, many CBD products have a dose of THC. US federal law requires that hemp-derived CBD products contain less than 0.3% THC, but many manufacturers include higher doses because of a more potent effect. 

To sum up, you can’t get addicted to CBD. CBD doesn’t produce the same euphoric high. At most, you feel a calming sensation when you use it.


What is CBD Withdrawal? 

CBD withdrawal is the feeling of needing to use CBD products. However, this is very unlikely to occur because CBD doesn’t cause physical or psychological dependence. In fact, CBD is helpful in reducing symptoms of withdrawal from other addictive substances. 

People can use CBD products, especially CBD oil for pain compulsively, but stopping the use doesn’t lead to withdrawal syndrome. Here’s what’s more likely to happen if you stop using CBD for a health problem: some symptoms, such as pain, can reemerge. 

CBD Withdrawal Symptoms

CBD Withdrawal Symptoms

Unlike medical marijuana, which can lead to cannabis addiction, CBD treatment isn’t addictive. In most cases, when you stop experiencing the positive effects of CBD on your body, you won’t have any withdrawal symptoms.

CBD effects are gentle, and your body doesn’t become dependent on the substance, so it’s unlikely you’ll notice any changes. What can happen is that the condition for which you started taking CBD reemerges. 

That being said, some CBD users experience moderate symptoms, such as sleep problems, bad mood, low appetite, anxiety, and irritability. These are mild and nothing like the withdrawal symptoms that medical marijuana can cause.

Moreover, CBD can help treat addiction and withdrawal from:


Can You Get Addictive to CBD?

CBD isn’t addictive and is safe even for people with addictive behaviors. Moreover, CBD can help with drug and alcohol dependence and lower withdrawal symptoms.

At most, you’ll experience the return of the issue for which you started taking CBD in the first place. Or, you’ll feel a change in appetite, irritability, or bad mood. But, these symptoms are nothing like cannabis withdrawal syndrome after taking marijuana. 

Choose the CBD product that works best for you, and get all the benefits of CBD without fearing you’ll get addicted. Just make sure you buy high-quality CBD products.



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Iffland, K., & Grotenhermen, F. (2017). An Update on Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol: A Review of Clinical Data and Relevant Animal Studies. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2(1), 139–154. 

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Purcell, C., Davis, A., Moolman, N., & Taylor, S. M. (2019). Reduction of Benzodiazepine Use in Patients Prescribed Medical Cannabis. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. 

Ren, Y., Whittard, J., Higuera-Matas, A., Morris, C. V., & Hurd, Y. L. (2009). Cannabidiol, a Nonpsychotropic Component of Cannabis, Inhibits Cue-Induced Heroin Seeking and Normalizes Discrete Mesolimbic Neuronal Disturbances. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(47), 14764–14769. 

Viudez-Martínez, A., García-Gutiérrez, M. S., Navarrón, C. M., Morales-Calero, M. I., Navarrete, F., Torres-Suárez, A. I., & Manzanares, J. (2018). Cannabidiol reduces ethanol consumption, motivation, and relapse in mice. Addiction Biology, 23(1), 154–164. 

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