CBD products are everywhere — food, drinks, lotions, oils, and even clothes. The legalization of hemp-derived CBD products resulted in an increase in their popularity.

CBD oil is most commonly used for anxiety and pain. Nowadays, there are countless tinctures and gummies marketed for anxiety and pain, but many people are still wary of using CBD products. The main concern people have is whether CBD will make them feel high.

I’ve used several CBD products for over a year and talked with a health expert. Here’s everything you should know about whether CBD products like UNO CBD can make you feel high.

Quick Summary

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of many active chemicals in the cannabis Sativa plant. CBD affects most organs in our bodies, from the brain to the heart. CBD is proven to have many medical uses, such as stress relief, inflammatory and neuropathic pain relief, better sleep, and more.

CBD and THC are the two main active compounds in cannabis plants. However, CBD isn’t intoxicating, unlike THC, so you won’t feel high using it.

CBD and THC are found in all kinds of cannabis plants but in various quantities. For example, some varieties of C. Sativa and Cannabis indica have higher amounts of THC and lower CBD. Generally, the cannabis plant has much more THC than CBD (the average is 12% THC compared to only 0.15% CBD in the cannabis plant, while the average hemp plant has 18% CBD).

CBD products became legal under the 2018 Farm Bill as long as they have less than 0.3% THC, which isn’t enough to get you high.

Does CBD Get You High?

Does CBD Get You High?

No, CBD doesn’t get you high. CBD is a psychoactive substance, which means it has psychoactive effects. It affects the brain and the mood. It usually lowers anxiety and causes sleepiness. However, it’s not an intoxicating substance, which means it doesn’t impact your ability to make decisions or control your movements. 

You need to know about brain receptors to understand why CBD won’t make you feel high.  Each of us has an endocannabinoid system whose cannabinoid receptors are located throughout the body, including CB1 receptors in the brain. This regulates our bodily functions, such as mood, appetite, sleep, and others. 

The CB1 receptor is associated with euphoria, anxiety, relaxation, and short-term memory impairment. This receptor is also the main reason THC makes us feel high, and CBD doesn’t. THC activates the CB1 receptor, but CBD doesn’t. In fact, CBD is a CB1 antagonist, which means it can even block or lower THC’s intoxicating effects. 

To sum up: You can take a CBD gummy or CBD oils before a stressful day, and you’ll be relaxed but not stoned. 

However, there are some specific cases where a CBD product can get you high.

Why Does CBD Make Me Feel High Sometimes?

FDA hasn’t approved nonprescription CBD products, which means there isn’t enough control over CBD products. Manufacturers take advantage of this and create CBD products that don’t follow FDA regulations, so some CBD products can make you feel high.

Here are all the ways CBD can make you feel high:

If you’re taking CBD products with a high content of THC, you’ll feel high. 

The Farm Bill legalized the sale of CBD products as long as they have less than 0.3% THC. Also, these products have to be hemp-derived, not marijuana-derived CBD. If a CBD product has over 0.3% THC, it’s illegal.

However, there are some issues with the Farm Bill, mostly that state laws override it. Marijuana is legal in 11 US states and Washington DC, so many businesses in these states can sell products with a higher percentage of THC. 

The second problem is whether FDA can enforce this law. Some manufacturers decide to include more than 0.3% THC in their products to strengthen the effect without disclosing it to customers.

This is why you should always carefully read the label, buy from third-party tested sellers, and check other user reviews.

CBD comes in three forms: full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and CBD isolate (more on them below).

Full-spectrum CBD has all cannabinoids from the cannabis plant, which includes CBD, THC, and other organic compounds. This can be too strong for some users, and you can react to one of the compounds. If this happens, you should try CBD isolate.

Our stomachs have a lot of acids, which can turn CBD into THC, which leads to a CBD high.

This can especially happen if you take large doses of CBD, for example, over 100 mg. This is why starting with a small dose of CBD-derived hemp plant products is best. Check how your body reacts to CBD and slowly increase the dose as needed.

Will CBD Make You Feel High?

Different Types of CBD Product Spectrums

There are three types of CBD product spectrums:

Full-Spectrum CBD

Full-spectrum CBD has all the compounds from the cannabis plant, including THC, flavonoids, and terpenes.

The main benefit of full-spectrum CBD products is that you’ll get the entourage effect. This happens when several components of cannabis work together, so you get more benefits than when taking them individually.

However, the downside of full-spectrum is that if you take a large dose, you can feel high because of THC. 

Don’t let this discourage you from full-spectrum CBD. Small doses are completely safe and unlikely to cause any euphoric effects.

Broad-Spectrum CBD

Broad-spectrum CBD contains all components of the cannabis plant but no THC. No THC means no chance of feeling high. Broad-spectrum has terpenes and flavonoids, which may give you other benefits than using CBD alone.

The main drawback of broad-spectrum products is that they may not be as effective as full-spectrum. 

CBD Isolate

CBD isolate is the purest form of CBD. It doesn’t contain THC or other compounds from the cannabis plant apart from CBD. This means you won’t get the entourage effect, but there’s no chance of feeling high.

Best Place To Buy CBD Online?

With so many CBD manufacturers nowadays, you need to be careful where you purchase CBD products. 

I’ve tried several brands, and my top choice is Players Only CBD. They produce everything from CBD oil to capsules. Each of their products is third-party tested, so you can use their CBD products with peace of mind.

Moreover, they use natural ingredients, such as essential and carrier oils, that provide more health benefits.

Will CBD Make You Feel High?

No, CBD won’t make you feel high as long as you use products with less than 0.3 percent THC. Make sure to buy from verified manufacturers who third-party test their products.

Also, be careful when shopping full-spectrum CBD, as it contains both CBD and THC, and high doses of THC can make you feel high.

Check out the CBD brand I listed above, and get safe CBD products today.


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Zhornitsky, S., Pelletier, J., Assaf, R., Giroux, S., Li, C. R., & Potvin, S. (2021). Acute effects of partial CB1 receptor agonists on cognition – A meta-analysis of human studies. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry, 104, 110063. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnpbp.2020.110063

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